Welcome To The Writing Experience Of Christina Gabsa


I am new to publishing my work, but not to writing. I continue to craft my passion for poetry and storytelling. Sharing my words and footsteps, I invite you with me to experience my love of nature and the human spirit.

Poetry Debut Collection Available Now On Amazon

Let the olive trees strengthen all the things that are broken in you, and the bumblebee heal your thoughts and ambitions. Poetry that transports you to the edges of your own life. Urging you to confront your doubts, fears, and desires. Poetry that reminds us that it is never too late to heal, to forgive, and to become whole.

What People Are Saying about Christina’s Writing

“Take your time and read through this work of art. Stories of real life mixed with themes of nature in free verse poetry. Perfect read for poetry lovers and those who are new to poetry.”

— Amazon Review

Teachings of The Olive Trees and Bumblebees. Debut Poetry Book Published On Amazon.

Beautiful and evocative poetry. Invites me to step into a peaceful, nostalgic and idyllic scene and experience the beauty of the moment. Thank you for sharing your art.”

— AllPoetry

The Press Of The Moment. Poem Published on AllPoetry.

Your poetic style will collaborate with an artist who would depict your images and verses on canvas. Simply stunning work.”

— AllPoetry

You Will Gift Me The Rest. Poem Published On AllPoetry

About The Author

I started out cryptically journaling so that if someone was to look at my journals they would have no idea what I was writing about. Over the years I honed my style into free style poetry with subjects of nature symbolizing the human struggle, rebuild and peace.

I am currently working on chapbooks, submissions and a book of short breathtaking stories. Continuing to utilize poetry sites, contests, and publication to get my poetry visible and enjoyed.

Get in touch.

Interested in collaborating, publishing opportunities or any other inquires.